The glory of Mi’raj lies not only in the ascension but in the descend of our Beloved back to our humble world as well— sings Mujeeb Jaihoon

Last night a sinner
Cried in sujood-
‘How sweet a favor
Bestowed has Al Wadood’

YOU raised our Beloved
So high
Thanks upon thanks,
Ya al-Hayy

YOURS is the glory
YOURS is the grace

How great this
Magnificent manna
Limitless YOUR love,
Ya al-Mannan’

Came a Voice from
The verandah within

‘MY compassion
Knows no limits
MY favors are
Beyond your digits

O son of Adam-kind!

MY greatest favor
Doesn’t end
With the event
Of Beloved’s ascend

Even as I brought him
To my Holy Presence
I let him return
To your humble planet

His ascend and descend
Are from MY favor
Scent of MY limitless love,
Sign of MY infinite power

He is not the affair
Of planets and stars alone
The breeze of his fame
Has all over cosmos blown

May 26 2014. (Rajab 27, 1435)