Dedicated to the emirate of Sharjah

…’tis very much true
That to the sand dunes we flew
When at home our dire needs grew…

But we feel not estranged at this Oasis
Where Past and Present with each other braces.

The Honorable Architect full of learning
Has designed this city of art
With the beauty of his heart.

Dear One! An easy task it is then
To convey the story of MeraWatan!

The air is cool
And beauty here is to the full

This fact you will not accept
‘Coz you think I am not honest

With the hook of your indifferent silence
My intelligent voice you are trying to pull!

Here it is, O Dear! Here it is…
Arabia in flesh and blood here is!

While harmonizing the forces of tradition and modernity
The ‘Architect’ has blended in the right quantity!

In my noisy heart is coming a silent prayer to the Almighty
‘May this land be secure from the ruinous calamity!

An extract from The Cool Breeze From Hind