The greatest miracle of the Miraj episode is that the Beloved chose to return to humanity, even after meeting with the Almighty— argues Mujeeb Jaihoon

‘This is the season of Love:
Gifts excite its winds’ blow

Happiness call for rejoice
Serve us hence a new dish

Spring has anxiously arrived
Have a new flower bloomed

The carnival has begun
A new fragrance be given’

I could not
But oblige
With their plea
Had I to comply

For, it is hard
For Beloved’s talk to resist
When with love
Fanatic friends insist

‘Infinite Glory be
To the Glorious Lord
HE summoned
the Orphan of Arabia
And placed the cosmos
under his feet

Were it any Lover
Than HE, the High
Meem be not let to return
From that nigh

May Medina’s seekers
Hence make merry:
Almighty let his Beloved
Return to us earthly

Infinite glory and praise
Be to HIM:
He summoned, and then
Let go for us our Meem

May 04 2016. (Rajab 27 1437). Edit March 2021