Genuine friends of Allah keep their devotion hidden, unlike fake godmen who seek recognition, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon.

The man on the street
Shall not easily find:
Hard is to hunt
Those whom He befriend

Pearls in the ocean’s heart,
Are hard to seek and find,
Few will risk their lives,
To obtain such treasures divine.

Shells scatter
On the shore to play
Even so, today
Some shells claim their own space
Adorned in colors
To match the pearl’s grace

A saint once uttered:
Truth that’s short-lettered

‘Between two lies’
Said he about His Friends

Hey friend!

Deceptive lies, two-fold,
His friends and foes, untold,
False ones yearn for praise,
True ones keep secret always.

They hide their bond with care,
Seek only His love to share,
Their tales, a treasure to hear,
Divine signs, but ever near.

Feb 01 2006. (Muharram 2). Edit march 2023