O Soul
Don’t you remember?

Recall those days?
When in Harem you roamed

The House and the Stone
Safa and Marwa and all His signs
While I strived among the crowd
You elsewhere roamed

O Soul
Don’t you remember?

You wanted to reach Beloved
You wanted to untie all your pain

When at the Beloved you arrived
You became most happy since you lived

And then you made me cry
Tears became like rivers

O Soul
Don’t you remember?

You made me sob and weep
No control could I keep

Your joy made me weak
No more could I take

O Soul
Don’t you remember?

I walked on the streets
Like a madman let loose

Unconscious of my own being
Like a crown fell from a king

O Soul
Don’t you remember?

Love’s fragrance spread in the air,
Save the Beloved nothing seemed fair

You became so benevolent
Hands with charity was bent

Had paradise arrived so early?
Would I swim in Tasneem dearly?

But now…

What has happened
Your love for Beloved hasn’t deepened

Your tears have gone dried
Deserts more moist than your eyes

Although with Him
Have you likened none-
The gravest sin
Have you committed

The love of His Beloved
Has from you dissolved

The farther from him you move
The darker your faith would prove

Muhammad connects-
Humanity with Divinity
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

Muhammad separates
Morality from Bestiality
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

O Soul!
Madina is the only reason why
Your Lord has kept you alive

Ah! As the slave of God
Is humiliated so rude

Everywhere is his torture
Everyone love to butcher

His pride slaughtered
Conspiracy so doctored

If Lord feel for him any love
Since Mustafa’s ways he follow
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

O Soul!
You a bird
Drift not from his skies

Your only pride
That Mustafa in you reside
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

Weep in his love
Better than laughing for this world

O Soul!
Madina is the only reason why
Your Lord has kept you alive

Feb 02 2007