The parties are seated more closer. Their hands are held together by the honorable Syed. He recites the clause of consent, which both the boy and the in-law repeats. The ‘mahr’ is also brought and shown as this is recited. Although the clause is originally in Arabic, its translation in the mother tongue is also said to add to the understanding. Everyone present remains silent and closely observes the parties in agreement. This lasts only a few minutes.

The chapter ‘fatihah’ is recited and few other chapters from Holy Quran. The Syed performs the supplication to which the assembly repeats amen. In the end, the boy and in-law shakes hands. The mahr is exchanged. And so is greetings with each other. Sweets are distributed and so are congratulatory messages.

Shihab Thangal conducting Jaihoon's nikah (Jan 15 2004)