Exploring the profound essence of philanthropy through a poetic lens, celebrating its virtues and transformative power in society.

Most consider wealth
As the tree,
And charity
Its petty fruits.

A set of Bejeweled Hearts,
Though, dare
To crown charity
Atop wealth.

Their art and philosophy,
Passion and devotion,
Material fortune,
Spiritual future.

They adopt others’
Pain and fear,
And instead make
Hearts cheer.

Their hearts:
Vast and robust,
Their souls:
Kind and loving.

They endear
Children of humanity,
Bracing them
In the mantle of empathy.

Charity for them
Is a vigorous Act,
While others neglect
As a passive Idea.

May Lord empower
Their prowess,
For every good
May be witness.

June 23 2013. Edit Apr 2024