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Category Archives: ESSAY

Passed a judgment, failed by sentiment

I was no longer the nervous participant, but the judge who gave the judgment. And it had a ‘personal excitement’ of its own…

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A new and sweet definition of Heart

The definition begins with a suspense and ends with the revelation of the secret. The middle part is the important part that establishes the relationship between the heart and the personality

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‘I wish I was alive then…’

If you ask Jaihoon in one sentence about the feeling that one gets after watching the movie, then he’d rather quote the words of a character who says at the end of the movie, ‘I wish I was alive during the lifetime of Prophet’s companions’ to feel, to experience, to see and hear, to inhale the fragrance of Beloved of Lord. Review of Muhammad: The Last Prophet

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A burnt Preacher vs. Learnt Preacher

Visiting the sick one, no matter on what creed does his heart feed, brings in the visitor a sense of humility. Perhaps it will refine the believer’s heart better than listening to a mind-blowing seminar delivered by an expert on religion

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How much is your prayer worth?

Let us evaluate our position. In the era when the major corporate houses are overvaluing their stock, let us be honest and honest, with outmost trust. Do not over value. Do not under value. Just at par value

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