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Expats in UAE: Moving Beyond Monetary Interaction to Social Integration

That expatriates have transplanted a major portion of their lifespan to explore and enjoy better economics in this country is understandable. It is also true that this country has offered expats what their country of origin has not.

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Taking stock BEFORE Ramadan

If we could take this Ramadan as a time for self-assessment. Could we also try to find out how much have the Muslims positively contributed to the development of the world and to the total fund of knowledge and human experiences during this whole year?

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Ramadan to Ramadan: Three Rs to Reflect

It is habitual for us to ‘regret about the past, complain about the present and worry about the future’. We spend more time thinking about them, than trying to solve them.

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Gujarat’s Guts, Malabar’s Malady (On the growing alcoholism in Muslim Kerala)

The Hindu majority state had the guts which the Muslim Malabar, with all its organized Muslim political and religious power had failed to achieve. If Gandhi Factor is the honorary reason for the largely successful ban n Gujarat, Malabar too is not lacking in spiritual cum political luminaries

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FIFA 2010: ‘Your wife must be Lucky’ [The impact of men’s sports craze on Families]

Did we realize that there are an equal number of victims who are martyred in the tsunami of this madness? They are the ones whose hearts cry for the end of this tournament as soon as possible.

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