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To the Lost Sheep in the Jungle of Beeps

A message of hope to ignite those whose hearts have turned dry and eyes unable to cry with minds lost and souls exhausted

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My Mother, My Paradise

Mothers lose sleep for the child to dream while also abstaining from food so that the infant could be fed— Jaihoon’s poetic tribute to mothers

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Of Self & Smile: A Prayer

A prayer to those who veil their pains with the apparel of apparent joy.

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To the Popcorn-eating Enablers

Mujeeb Jaihoon blasts the inaction of the silent bystanders as the poor continue to be deprived of their right to life and liberty.

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Modern Men and Ancient Beasts: Kindred in Sound and Act

Mujeeb Jaihoon on the men and women who imitate the sounds of animals with their hostile and hateful actions towards fellow humanity.

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