Mujeeb Jaihoon blasts the inaction of the silent bystanders as the poor continue to be deprived of their right to life and liberty.

As the weak are lynched
And the homes are bulldozed
As the Pens are penalized
And the Nature is devastated

As the State sponsors the terror
And the Fakir eclipses the Führer
As pogroms appear in daylight plunder
And the Race-parasite leech-render

Woe to the popcorn-eating enablers
Boo to the conformist collaborators

Shame on the complicit conspirators
Damn on the silent bystanders

One day these goons will seek you out
Your silence today will drive you then out
The price of your indifference
Will cost your peaceful lives

Embrace your conscience
Chant for them a prayer
Invoke your courage
Inspire the Change

July 06 2022