Drugs are Evil and Uncool : Mujeeb Jaihoon

Only a narcotics-free society can take sane and smart decisions for its present and future progress.

Dear Students. Drugs are the enemy of humanity from which you have to maintain maximum social, physical and psychological distance. Unfortunately, school textbooks and classrooms carry little or no contents which warn the young generation from this social evil. School campuses are often cited as the breeding grounds of this viral social cancer. These ‘devilish substances’ kill the soul of its users.

Therefore, it is imminent to wage a war against this invisible enemy from all corners of the society – be it political meetings, social gatherings and even spiritual assemblies in the mosques and temples. Only a narcotics-free society can take sane and smart decisions for its present and future progress.

Drugs are uncool

Summarized from Mujeeb Jaihoon’s talk at the Darul Hidaya Higher Secondary School (Edappal – Malappuram – Kerala) on March. 12 2022