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Everyday’s a Valentine’s Day

What prompted Jaihoon to think so was a question posed by a colleague during a busy and breathless office schedule. “So what are you giving her for Valentine’s day?”

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The 2/3 Love Reminder: Holy Prophet’ call to the Parents and Educationists

Educationists, governmental departments and even parents can rejoice over the above saying of Holy Prophet. An Ashura thought

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An Affectionate NOC from the wife

If it is the command of creed that a wife seeks the permission of her husband before observing voluntary fasts, then it is the same religion of Peace that teaches the parallel lesson for husbands to obtain ‘an affectionate NOC’ (No Objetion certificate) from one’s wife so that her rights are protected.

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Henna: The balm on the palm

Everyone mentioned above is rewarded in one form or the other. At least they are given the credit for the roles they play. However on this blessed day, there is a silent character who is the focus of attention of almost the entire family and even the neighborhood in some cases. This person loses sleep, sometimes staying awake until late hours… the eyes get swollen so that other’s hearts in happiness are woven.

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Allama Iqbal and Umar Qazi: Two lovers of the Holy Prophet

Had Iqbal known of Qazi, he would have probably included him in his poetry just as Tipu Sultan (from South India). The gap was partly owing to the rich contributions of Keralite intelligentsia but restricted to their own mother tongue.

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