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Why Heart Melts in the Solitary Dew

God’s lovers, who enrich each other in togetherness, melt as solitary dew when separated from one another— writes Jaihoon on spiritual kinship

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In search of Him-Arousing Honey

Not always Destiny brings ashore illustrious souls who connect with Divine. One seeker’s journey may benefit others too– hopes Jaihoon in this poem

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Henna of a HIM-Aligned Heart

The love-henna designed hearts of God are aligned towards HIM despite the lures of this deceptive world. Jaihoon’s poem about such ‘indifferent’ souls.

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Had it not been for your Name

Had it not been for the name of the Beloved, humanity could never claim their cultural ethos–– argues Jaihoon in this eulogy of Holy Prophet

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Never Believe His Lovers

God’s lovers employ various metaphors and symbolic actions to hide their love of the Divine– Jaihoon reveals some of their ‘cover-up games’ in these verses

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